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Chair: Larry Keim
Deputy Chair:
Christine Vivian
Kimberley NZAA (2).png
Kimberley Brabazon

The New Zealand American Association organize celebrations of significant American anniversaries and holidays, such as the 4th of July, Memorial Day, and Thanksgiving; enjoy U.S. traditions together; and also provide an opportunity for New Zealanders to learn about, and participate in American culture.


Through a variety of events, activities, and scholarships, we work to foster a better understanding of the American way of life by New Zealanders, and at the same time a better understanding of the New Zealand way of life by visiting Americans.


We cooperate with various organizations to arrange exchange visits between the two countries, and to encourage cooperation and a free exchange of ideas in science, education, commerce, and the arts.


Above all, the NZAA is a friendship network and hospitality association. We welcome American visitors, and offer them a small 'slice of home’ right here in New Zealand.


Our heart and strength are our members who help guide NZAA projects, recommend new events and activities, and meet new friends.  Interested in joining the NZAA?  Please see our membership information.


Our Constitution  




Chair: Larry Keim  Ph: 04 902 0265 /;


Deputy Chair: Christine Vivian


Profile & Engagement Manager:  Christine Vivian   


NZAA Secretary -


University Advisor Ben Wilson


Treasurer: Stanley Johnson


Mailing addressNew Zealand American Association (Inc.) PO Box 2957, Wellington.










Ben Wilson Portrait.jpg
Keith Fox
    Ben Wilson 
Stanley Johnson 

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