Monthly Networking - Meet & Greet...
The NZAA hosts an informal networking and after work social event usually on the last Wednesday of each month.
We look forward to seeing you at The Old Bailey, corner of Lambton Quay & Balance Street, Wellington,
Please join us for drinks and nibbles - We look forward to seeing you there.
Please contact us if you would like further information or to join our email list.
Regular Events
In 2023, the NZAA held events in observation of the following:
ANZAC Day, 25th April - noon @ the Cenotaph.
Memorial Day, Monday, 1st June - Old St Paul's.
Independence Day, Monday, 5th July.
NZAA Annual General Meeting - date/venue to be announced, along with the Guest Speaker. tbc
248th Marine Corps Birthday Ball - 11 November - Lower Hutt Events Center.
Thanksgiving - Sunday, 19th November at The Pines from Noon-3.00pm.
Holiday Celebration - NZAA gathering - December. Date/venue tbc.
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Thanks1 | Old St PaulsMemorial Day 2017 |
Thanksgiving table 2016Thanksgiving lunch 2016 | Monthly DrinksNZAA members meet |