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The heart and strength of NZAA is its members.

Our members help guide NZAA projects, events and activities, and assist in developing useful links.

Your membership of the NZAA supports our mission of developing friendships and cross-cultural connections.

Membership benefits:

  • A New Zealand American Association friendship pin.

  • Monthly networking meeting at Old Bailey in Wellington CBD.

  • Invitation to special events hosted by U.S. Embassy. 

  • Invitation to gatherings for special days of celebration including: 

  • ANZAC Day,

  • Memorial Day,

  • 4th July Independence Day

  • Thanksgiving Day 

  • Invitation to lectures featuring distinguished guests from the United States.

  • The opportunity to meet newcomers to New Zealand.

  • An opportunity to meet U.S. Embassy officials and staff in informal settings.

  • Opportunities to participate in programmes featuring cultural, artistic and scientific exchanges between our two countries.

  • The Association provides scholarships and grants for New Zealanders in academic and cultural programmes in the United States.

  • Members receive preferential access & discounts on the cost of admission to NZAA-sponsored programmes and events offered to the public.


Your involvement in the Association helps make the work of members possible. 

Your membership funds the costs of organizing networking and exchanges.

Your active involvement in the Association provides you an opportunity to engage in planning upcoming programmes.


We invite you to join our Association and participate in our activities.  

To join the Association please fill in the NZAA membership form below. 

REMINDER - Annual memberships are valid from 1 July to the following 1 July.  Please take the time to either make your payment online If you are joining, please see FORM (above) and update your personal information so that we have accurate records.  This should be emailed to

Membership Fees

Family: $50.00

Individual: $30.00

Student: $10.00

Payment can be made online to our new bank account:

@   ANZ   06-0730-0416438-00

To: NZAA     From: Your Name


Thank you!  


NZAA Membership Form


This is the New Zealand American Association Membership Application Form.

This form needs to be completed to start your membership process.

After completion, please send email the details you have written below to

regarding the payment to complete the process.

* Indicates required question


Contact Details 

First Name *

Last Name *

Email *


Phone Number – Optional  

Additional Information - to better understand the accessibility of networking / social events for members.

Street Address – Optional   

Occupation (Employer/Role) – Optional  

Membership Options:

Family - $50 - Covers immediate family members (spouse/partner and children) for up to one year until 1 July.
Individual - $30 - Covers one individual member for up to one year until 1 July.
Student - $10 - Exclusively for students.  Covers one student member for up to one year until 1 July.

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